Psalms 20-29

About Psalms 20 to 29

Psalms 20 to 29 are taken from one of the most exciting sequences in Psalms - packed full of detailed prophecy and Messianic hope, they take us to the very heart of the gospel of the Living God. The sufferings, death, resurrection and ascension of Christ and the response of the Church are explored in great detail. These psalms open up to us the very thoughts and prayers of Jesus as He endured the most terrible suffering.

Study guide

The Book by Book Psalms 20 to 29 Bible study guide is perfect for small group or personal Bible studies. It’s split into 6 sections that are ideal for week-by-week study, with each section featuring discussion questions to help you think more deeply as you read through each part of the book. 

The Psalms 20-29 Study Guide is authored by Paul Blackham. Here is a sample chapter:

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