Esther, with Ruth Chan

About the book of Esther

The very fact that the Living God is not mentioned once in Esther might seem strange, but it is no accident. As we go through our daily lives we do not always see the provident hand of our heavenly Father or the glorious rule of our ascended LORD Jesus or the comforting, strengthening care of the Holy Spirit. By the time we get to the end of the ancient story of Esther we will be full of praise and worship for we will see that as children of the Living God we are always kept in His Almighty care. The book of Esther teaches us that the Living God is hard at work in all the complexities of our lives even though He rules from the throne-room in the invisible creation!

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Study guide

The Book by Book Esther Bible study guide is perfect for small group Bible studies. It’s split into 6 sections that are ideal for week-by-week study, with each section featuring discussion questions to help you think more deeply as you read through each part of the book. 

This Bible study on Esther is ideal for personal and small group Bible study. You can use the book on its own, or use it alongside the DVD resource for a more interactive study.

The Esther Study Guide is authored by Paul Blackham. Here is a sample chapter:

Ruth Chan was born in Singapore into a Christian home. Ruth's family moved to England when she was 10 and she became a Christian when she was 11 at a Sunday School camp. Ruth is a qualified midwife and practised for several years at a London hospital. She has a degree in psychology and also attended theological college in Nottingham where she specialised in counselling. She worked for several years as a full time church worker in the UK Chinese community focusing on evangelism, discipleship and counselling and is currently studying for a post graduate diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy.

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