
1. The Lord your God fights for you (chapters 1-3)
2. Love the Lord your God (chapters 4-6)
3. Do not Forget the Lord (chapters 7-9)
4. Fear the Lord and Walk in His ways (chapters 10-13)
5. Learn to fear the Lord always (chapters 14-17)
6. Walk always in His ways (chapters 18-21)
7. Put Away the Evil (chapters 22-25)
8. His Special People (chapters 26-28)
9. The Choice of "Life or Death" (chapters 29-31)
10. Christ the Rock (chapters 32-34)

About the book of Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy is a record of how Moses prepared the ancient Church to enter into the Promised Land.

It is a collection of his final sermons, preached to the ancient people of God as they were waiting to cross the Jordan river.  They had been on the banks of the Jordan 40 years before, but they had been too frightened of the Canaanite giants to enter in.  They did not trust in the Divine Angel of the LORD to fight for them... and so they were defeated by their own fear and doubt.  It took 40 years of wilderness wandering to get a new generation ready to fight giants!  Deuteronomy is a training manual for fighting giants - not just the ancient physical giants of ancient times but the "giants" of sin that we all have to face.  Deuteronomy teaches us how to love the LORD with everything we have and then to obey His commands - so that we can possess all that he has promised.

TV programme

The programmes are hosted by Rev Dr Steve Nichols who has previously been our special guest on Daniel and Revelation, and have been broadcast on TBN UK. Our guest throughout the Deuteronomy series is Dr Sunil Raheja who is an author, psychiatrist and coach. We are also joined by other guests for some of the programmes, including Dr Dawn Carew Smith, international speaker.

The programmes are available for free on YouTube.

Study guide

The Deuteronomy study guide is perfect for small group Bible studies or for helping you to understand the book of Deuteronomy yourself. It is easy to understand and gets to the point without skimming over important details. It’s split into 10 sections that are ideal for week-by-week study, with each section featuring discussion questions to help you think more deeply as you read through each part of the book.

The Deuteronomy Study Guide is written by Paul Blackham. It features a new contemporary cover design, but is the same size as the study guides for all the other titles. Here is a sample chapter:

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