2 Timothy is probably the very last letter that the great apostle Paul ever wrote. Having walked the Way of Jesus for so long, what final wisdom would he have for a young man who still had far to walk? In our day we see the desperate need for Bible teachers in every local church. We have seen the terrible devastation brought on the Church by false teachers, self-serving personalities, status-seeking careerists and those who do little more than declare their own religious opinions or home-spun wisdom from the pulpit. In this final letter from Paul we see how his greatest concern for the health and growth of the future Church was self-sacrificial Bible teachers who were determined to speak and live only as God has spoken.
The Book by Book 2 Timothy Bible study guide is perfect for small group or personal Bible studies. It’s split into 6 sections that are ideal for week-by-week study, with each section featuring discussion questions to help you think more deeply as you read through each part of the book.
The 2 Timothy Study Guide is authored by Paul Blackham. Here is a sample chapter:
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