Who is the true King? Who reigns over all the kings, presidents, prime ministers, CEO's and celebrities of the world? We have all heard how power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. So, can absolute power ever be safe in the hands of only one individual leader?
2 Samuel was written 3,000 years ago to show us how the LORD Jesus Christ is the King filled with life, the only one who is safe to reign over the whole universe. King David was raised up to be a sign and a witness to King Jesus. Even in his sins and failures, David shows us how King Jesus is the true King - David's King. When David allowed his own desires to rule him then he was not the ruler that Jesus called him to be. Yet, if David could be rescued from sins and failures, then so can we all. When we seek first Jesus the King and His righteousness, then everything in life makes sense and falls into place.
The Book by Book 2 Samuel Bible study guide is perfect for small group or personal Bible studies. It’s split into 6 sections that are ideal for week-by-week study, with each section featuring discussion questions to help you think more deeply as you read through each part of the book.
The 2 Samuel Study Guide is authored by Paul Blackham. Here is a sample chapter:
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